Shiny Apps

Here is a short list of Shiny Apps that can be easily used to investigate targets and pathways of interest.


ScRNAseq of myeloid cells from a mouse model of MS - Explore a shiny app obtained from the isolation of CX3CR1+ cells obtained from the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) mouse model of MS, published in Peruzzotti-Jametti et al. Nature. 2024.

SnRNAseq from MS brain white matter tissues - Explore a shiny app obtained from the re-analysis of data published in Absinta et al. Nature. 2021.

SnRNAseq from MS grey/brain white matter tissues - Find a detailed shiny app obtained from the re-analysis of data published in Schirmer et al. Nature. 2019.

Spatial LIBD - Spatial transcriptomics data from portion of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) that spans six neuronal layers plus white matter (Lieber Institute for Brain Development). Published in Huuki-Myers et al. Science 2024.


Neuroscience & Immunology